About me
Hello! I am Hong Yi from DCHE/FT/2B/04. This is where I will document my work for CP5070 Chemical Product Design & Development.
By the end of the semester,
- I want to improve my CAD skills. (Learning the different tools to create)
- Watch YouTube videos that teaches the purpose of each tool and how to use it
- Practice creating some models that include the use of the tools.
I will know whether I have accomplished this goal because, if I have, by the end of the semester, I will be able to explain what the different tools do and how to use it.
- I want to create a prototype that I can include in my personal portfolio.
- Work effectively with group members to come up with a design
- Learn the different skills required such as Laser Cutting
- Implement the different things I learnt in CP5065 and CP5070 such as mechanisms and programming into the prototype.
I will know whether I have accomplished this goal because, if I have, by the end of the semester, the functioning prototype will be created.